Meeting Name: Common Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/19/2025 7:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: CC Agenda Packet 2-19-25.pdf
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-0086 1  MinutesCommon Council Meeting Minutes of February 5, 2025approvedPass Action details Video Video
25-0107 1  Report Action ItemI-41 Project Update Presentationpresented  Action details Video Video
25-0108 1  Report Action ItemAppleton Public Arts Committee ReappointmentapprovedPass Action details Video Video
25-0100 1  Report Action ItemApprove 2025 DPW Fee Schedulereferred  Action details Not available
24-0420 1  Report Action ItemClass "B" Beer and Reserve "Class B" Liquor License application for Delaires LLC d/b/a Delaire's, David Boulanger, Agent, located at 823 W. College Ave.approvedFail Action details Video Video
25-0097 1  Report Action ItemApprove Sole Source Purchase of Decorative Streetlight Poles for College Avenue BridgeapprovedPass Action details Video Video
25-0065 1  Report Action ItemApprove Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Appleton and Wisconsin Entertainment Group LLC to manage the City of Appleton Independence Day CelebrationamendedPass Action details Video Video
25-0065 1  Report Action ItemApprove Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Appleton and Wisconsin Entertainment Group LLC to manage the City of Appleton Independence Day CelebrationapprovedPass Action details Video Video
25-0020 1  Report Action ItemRequest to approve the following 2025 Budget amendment: CEA Capital Projects Federal Grants +$134,180 Vehicles +$134,180 To record EECGB grant award and associated expense (2/3 vote of council required).approvedPass Action details Video Video
25-0046 1  Report Action ItemRequest to award a contract to Ehlers in an amount of $14,000 for Tax Incremental District (TID) creation services and further fiscal analysis services to be billed at $325/hour, conditioned on approval of the cost reimbursement agreement with Thrivent Financial for Lutherans (Associated with File #25-0064)amendedPass Action details Video Video
25-0046 1  Report Action ItemRequest to award a contract to Ehlers in an amount of $14,000 for Tax Incremental District (TID) creation services and further fiscal analysis services to be billed at $325/hour, conditioned on approval of the cost reimbursement agreement with Thrivent Financial for Lutherans (Associated with File #25-0064)approvedPass Action details Video Video
25-0064 1  Report Action ItemRequest to approve entering into a cost reimbursement agreement with Thrivent Financial for Lutherans for an initial amount of $100,000 to fund Tax Incremental District (TID) creation/fiscal consulting, engineering-related consulting and other City consulting services deemed necessary to facilitate the redevelopment of Thrivent's office campus located north of I-41 and west of Ballard Road (Associated with File #25-0046)amendedPass Action details Video Video
25-0064 1  Report Action ItemRequest to approve entering into a cost reimbursement agreement with Thrivent Financial for Lutherans for an initial amount of $100,000 to fund Tax Incremental District (TID) creation/fiscal consulting, engineering-related consulting and other City consulting services deemed necessary to facilitate the redevelopment of Thrivent's office campus located north of I-41 and west of Ballard Road (Associated with File #25-0046)approvedPass Action details Video Video
25-0035 1  Report Action ItemApprove ordinance changes to Chapter 12, Article IV, Noise, as identified in the attached document.approvedPass Action details Video Video
25-0089 1  Report Action ItemApprove Contract Amendment #1 for the Real Estate Services contract with Right of Way Professionals, Inc. by an increase of $3,300 for a total contact amount not to exceed $25,560approvedPass Action details Not available
25-0090 1  Report Action ItemApprove ordinance changes related to designated Prevea stalls on 100 W Washington St.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-0091 1  Report Action ItemApprove Ordinance changes related to the A-25 Cherryvale Av Reconstruction ProjectapprovedPass Action details Not available
25-0092 1  Report Action ItemApprove ordinance change related to new traffic signal at the Edgewood/French intersectionapprovedPass Action details Not available
25-0093 1  Report Action ItemApprove traffic ordinance changes for Lumbini Estates SubdivisionapprovedPass Action details Not available
25-0094 1  Report Action ItemApprove ordinance changes related to the B-25 Morrison St Reconstruction ProjectapprovedPass Action details Not available
25-0095 1  Report Action ItemApprove ordinance changes related to the A-25 Perkins St Reconstruction ProjectapprovedPass Action details Not available
25-0096 1  Report Action ItemApprove traffic & parking ordinance changes for Trailview Estates South 3 SubdivisionapprovedPass Action details Not available
25-0098 1  Report Action ItemAward Unit T-25 2025 Bridge Underwater Inspections Contract to Ayres Associates, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $28,000approvedPass Action details Not available
25-0099 1  Report Action ItemApprove Contract Amendment #1 for 2025 Repair and Maintenance Program for the Red, Green and Yellow Parking Garages contract with Desman Inc. by an increase of $8,500 for a total contact amount not to exceed $104,870approvedPass Action details Not available
25-0062 1  Report Action ItemResolution #1-R-25 Fire Department Paramedic Service LevelapprovedPass Action details Not available
25-0050 1  Report Action ItemPet Store/Kennel License application for Forty Three Skulls Oddities Shoppe, Scott Watzlawick, Agent, located at 133 E. Wisconsin Ave, contingent upon approval from the Police, Fire, and Inspections departments.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-0051 1  Report Action ItemSecondhand Jewelry License renewal application for Fox Valley Jewelers, Khristopher Fischer, Agent, located at 636 W. College Ave, contingent upon approval from the Health department.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-0063 1  Report Action ItemApprove Revised Park Pavilions and Special Areas Rental and Fee PolicyapprovedPass Action details Not available
25-0072 1  Report Action ItemRequest to approve Relocation Order for the Parcel of Land with Tax Key No.31-3-0316-03approvedPass Action details Not available
25-0073 1  Report Action ItemRequest to approve contract to Conventions, Sports & Leisure International (CSL) for consulting services for a contract not-to-exceed $79,500.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-0074 1  Report Action ItemRequest to approve authorization to open dedicated bank account for Cryptocurrency seizure returns.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-0075 1  Report Action ItemRequest to award Unit DE-25 Miscellaneous Sidewalk & Concrete Street Excavation Repairs to Al Dix Inc in an amount not to exceed $1,008,850.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-0076 1  Report Action ItemRequest to award Unit W-25 Sewer & Water Reconstruction-Bell, Brewster, Alexander, Melrose to Kruczek Construction Inc. in the amount of $2,312,222.22 with a 3% contingency of $70,000 for a project total not to exceed $2,382,222.22.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-0077 1  Report Action ItemRequest to award Unit U-25 Sewer & Water Reconstruction-Lawe, Durkee, Bellaire to Kruczek Construction Inc. in the amount of $2,525,555.55 with a 2.8% contingency of $70,000 for a project total not to exceed $2,595,555.55.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-0079 1  Report Action ItemRequest to award Unit X-25 Water Reconstruction-Calumet St to Calnin & Goss LLC in the amount of $1,138,754.30 with a 3% contingency of $35,000 for a project total not to exceed $1,173,754.30.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-0080 1  Report Action ItemRequest to award Unit A-25 Concrete Paving to Vinton Construction Company in the amount of $4,187,819.61 with a 1.5% contingency of $65,000 for a project total not to exceed $4,252,819.61.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-0087 1  Report Action ItemRequest to approve the following 2025 Budget amendment: CD - New & Redevelopment Projects Miscellaneous Revenue +$100,000 Consulting Services +$100,000 To record cost reimbursement agreement with Thrivent Financial (2/3 vote council required).approvedPass Action details Not available
25-0013 1  Report Action ItemRequest to approve an extension of the completion date and minimum assessed value date to January 1, 2026 under the Development Agreement with Oshkosh Investment LLC and Lofgren Properties 6 LLC for improvements to the property located at 200 W. College Avenue (Tax Id #31-2-0263-00) (Chase Bank building) in Tax Increment Financing District No. 11 contingent on the dedication of a portion of parcel #31-2-0263-00 to the publicapprovedPass Action details Not available
25-0044 1  Report Action ItemRequest to approve the Preliminary 2025-2026PY (Program Year) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Community Partner Allocations as specified in the attached documentsapprovedPass Action details Not available
25-0045 1  Report Action ItemRequest to approve the creation and recordation of deed restrictions and covenants for Southpoint Commerce Park Plat No. 4 as described in the attached documentsapprovedPass Action details Not available
25-0054 1  Report Action ItemAward the 2025 Ash Tree Removal Contract to Foley's Tree Service, LLC in an amount not to exceed $425,000.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-0036 1  Report Action ItemApprove Schedule of Deposits changes to Chapter 12, Article IV, Noise, as identified in the attached document.approvedPass Action details Not available
25-0105 1  Report Action ItemOrdinances #1-25 to #5-25approvedPass Action details Video Video
25-0153 1  Report Action ItemResolution #2-R-25 Emissions Reduction Recommendation   Action details Not available