| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Rule 3. Order of Business
Ald. Siebers
Modify subsection a. Invocation to include one of the following options:
- Option A. The Invocation shall endeavor to be a brief, 1-2 minute statement that prompts inspiration, invokes encouragement, or provides a message of cooperation. The Invocation shall not address, take a position on, or invoke debate on an item on the Common Council Agenda.
- Option B. The Invocation will consist of the following message: "We gather together to listen and share, learn and educate, and to be granted wisdom and grace as we move Appleton forward, in the best interest of our community." A moment of silence or reflection may also be used for the Invocation. Additional messages may be added to the rotation of the Invocation with Common Council approval.
- Option C. Remove the Invocation from the Common Council Meeting Agenda, and Order of Business. | | |
Action details
| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Rule 4. Resolutions/Meeting Minutes
Ald. Meltzer & Ald. Wolff
All Resolutions shall be submitted to the Council in writing. (Add): Council members are encouraged to work with staff before introducing Resolutions in order to ensure that Resolutions are well-researched and ready for debate. | | |
Action details
| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Rule 4. Resolutions / Meeting Minutes
Ald. Del Toro
(Add:)All resolutions submitted, will be made available to the entire council 48 hours prior to being read in. Council members may object to the introduction of a resolution based on the inclusion of false information, defamatory language or assumptions or language unbecoming of a public servant. The Mayor will decide if the resolution will be accepted into the record and distributed to committee for review and further discussion. The Mayor may also request the author modify the language to comply with the council rules. | | |
Action details
| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Rule 14. Call the Question
Ald. Doran
Call the Question - The motion to call the question cannot be used when the speaker yields to another and then regains the floor. No member can call the question while speaking to the issue. Note: The motion to call the question is not debatable per Robert’s Rules. The motion to call the previous question will be allowed during deliberations of the Committee of the Whole. At the time the question is called, the Chair will announce how many Alderpersons are in line to speak. (Add): The question will be called only if 4/5ths of the members present approve.
Replace the first proposed rule change (The question will be callled only if 4/5ths of the members present approve) with:
(Add): The opportunity to call the question will be allowed only if each member present has been given an opportunity to speak on the item for which the motion to call the question has been requested. | | |
Action details
| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Rule 15. Referrals
Ald. Doran
Referrals - A request by an Alderperson to refer an item back to committee shall be automatic, unless a member of Council objects to the referral, and the objection is seconded; 2/3 4/5ths of the members present vote to approve the objection the item remains on the agenda and is not referred. A subsequent request to refer back shall be by a motion and carried by a simple majority vote of the members of the Common Council present. The Alderperson using the automatic refer-back shall present his/her rationale for taking the action. The Alderperson shall appear at the next meeting of the committee of jurisdiction. If the Alderperson is unable to attend the committee meeting, he/she shall communicate his/her intent to the Committee Chair or the Committee contact person. | | |
Action details
| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Rule 25. Meeting Schedules
Ald. Alfheim
No two regularly scheduled Committee/Commission/Board meetings shall be scheduled to start within one hour forty-five (45) minutes of any other, except with Common Council approval. | | |
Action details
| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Rule 32. Continuity of Government
Ald. Doran
The Council, by secret open ballot, will elect a Council President and a Council Vice President. If for any reason the Mayor was incapacitated and not able to perform the necessary duties, the Council President would become the acting Mayor. If the Council President were unable to perform these duties, the Council Vice President would become the acting Mayor. | | |
Action details
| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Rule 33. Remote Meeting Participation
Ald. Hartzheim
Strike Rule 33. in its entirety. | | |
Action details
| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Rule 34. Withdrawal of Resolutions
Ald. Doran
Strike Rule 34. in its entirety. | | |
Action details
| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Rule 34. Withdrawal of Resolutions
Ald. Hartzheim
Strike subsection 2. of Rule 34.
2) A Resolution may be withdrawn at the Council level by its author subject to consent of 2/3 of Council members present. | | |
Action details
| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Creation of new Rule - Pledge of Allegiance
Ald. Doran
Add Pledge of Allegiance for every meeting of Committees, Board & Commissions
At the beginning of any meeting of a committee, board or commission, regardless of the location in which the meeting is held, after calling the meeting the order, the chair of the meeting will call for the Pledge of Allegiance to be recited before moving on to any other business.
If the United States flag is not present, attendees should simply stand and place their right hand over their heart and face towards the person leading in the recitation of the Pledge or to where the flag would normally be placed. | | |
Action details
| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Department and Committee Functions | | |
Action details