| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Common Council Meeting Minutes of November 4, 2015 Public Hearing on the 2016 Executive Budget | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Common Council Meeting Minutes of November 4, 2015 | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Common Council Meeting Minutes of November 11, 2015 - Budget Adoption | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Presentation of National Geographic Information System Day | | |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Appointment of Suzanne Brault Pagel to the Library Board | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Public Hearing - Comp Plan Amendment #1-15 | | |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Public Hearing - Rezoning #4-15 (Glenhurst Lane) | | |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Public Hearing - Text Amendment - Floodplain Zoning | | |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Public Hearing - PD Rezoning #5-15 - French Road | | |
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| 1 | | | Presentation | Request from Mr. Jherd Hamby, 922 W. Lorain Street, to have his sidewalk snow removal bill of $75 waived. | approved | Fail |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Request to approve the Aldermanic salary for the election year 2017. | amended | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Request to approve the Aldermanic salary for the election year 2017. | approved as amended | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Request to approve the Offer to Purchase from Quantum Healthcare LLC for Lot 4 of CSM #3490 in the Northeast Industrial Park, comprised of approximately 2.69 acres for a price of $100,000 ($37,174.72 per acre) and affirm per Section 2.A.6 of the Deed Restrictions and Covenants and Section 23-22 of the Zoning Code that a medical office building including outpatient imaging and outpatient procedures is consistent with the development objectives of the City | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Request to approve 2016 Community Development Block Grant Allocation Recommendations | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Approve design for the 2018 S. Oneida Street (Skyline Bridge to Valley Road) Concrete Reconstruction Project as follows:
- From Valley Road to Murray Street: reconstruct roadway with concrete pavement to a width of 68’ from back of curb to back of curb which would accommodate 2 thru lanes in each direction, a center two way left turn lane, and bike lanes in each direction. In addition, a 6’ wide sidewalk would be constructed tight to the back of curb. This cross section would require approximately 2’ of right of way acquisition from each side.
- From Murray Street to Calumet Street: continue the same proposed cross section as stated above including bike lanes, except the two way left turn lane would be a raised concrete median with a left turn lane on to Calumet Street and a left turn lane on to Murray Street. This is similar to the existing cross section. Right of way acquisition in this section would vary from 0 to 2’ on the east side and 3’ to 6’ on the west side.
- From Calumet Street to Ramlen Court: continue similar cross section as previous section including bike | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Approve proposed parking restriction changes on Lincoln Street in conjuction with the S. Oneida Street Reconstruction Project. | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Operator's Licenses | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | "Class B" Beer/Liquor License - Change of Agent, Elephant & Castle Inc., d/b/a Union Jack, Angela K. Franz, Agent, 812 S. Olde Oneida Street, contingent upon approval from the Police Department. | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Secondhand Article License Renewal application of Richmond Resale LLC, Dean M. Vandenhoy, Applicant, 204 N. Richmond Street, contingent upon approval from all departments. | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Secondhand Article License Renewal application of Play It Again Sports, Shane A. Herron, Applicant, 611 W. Northland Avenue, contingent upon approval from all departments. | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Secondhand Article License Renewal application of Warehouse Office Products, Jeff S. Lemery, Applicant, 1825 N. Richmond Street, contingent upon approval from all departments. | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Secondhand Article License Renewal application of Side Quest Gaming LLC, John J. Steudel, Applicant, 502 W. College Avenue, contingent upon approval from all departments. | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Secondhand Jewelry License Renewal application of Tennies Jewelry, Brian D. Frisch, Applicant, 208 E. College Avenue, contingent upon approval from all departments. | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Secondhand Jewelry License Renewal application of Avenue Jewelers, Jason A. Druxman, Applicant, 303 E. College Avenue, contingent upon approval from all departments. | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Secondhand Jewelry License Renewal application of Expert Jewelry Repair, Randy L. Kester, Applicant, 636 W. College Avenue, contingent upon approval from all departments. | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Request to approve Comprehensive Plan 2010-2030 Future Land Use Map Amendment #1-15 for two (2) undeveloped parcels (Lots 1 & 2 of the Apple Creek Center Plat) located along the north side of E. Glenhurst Lane (Tax Id #31-1-6501-00 & 31-1-6501-02) from Commercial designation to Multi-Family Residential designation and approve the attached resolution | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Request to approve Rezoning #4-15 for two (2) undeveloped parcels (Lots 1 & 2 of the Apple Creek Center Plat) located along the north side of E. Glenhurst Lane (Tax Id #31-1-6501-00 & 31-1-6501-02), including to the centerline of the adjacent right-of-way, as shown on the attached map, from C-O Commercial Office District to R-3 Multi-Family Residential District | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Request to approve Special Use Permit #13-15 for a community living arrangement (CLA) serving 50 persons located along the north side of E. Glenhurst Lane (Tax Id #31-1-6501-00 & 31-1-6501-02) to run with the land, with an exception to the Aldermanic District 13 CLA capacity limitation per Section 23-52(b)(2)(a) of the Zoning Ordinance, subject to the conditions in the attached staff report and as shown on the attached maps | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Request to approve PD Rezoning #5-15 for undeveloped parcels generally located at the corner of CTY JJ and French Road (Property Tax #'s 31-1-7301-02, 31-1-7301-03, 31-1-7301-04, 31-1-7301-05, 31-1-7301-06 and 31-1-7301-07) from PD/C-2 Planned Development General Commercial District #6-00 to PD/C-2 Planned Development General Commercial District #5-15, with the attached Development Plan and Implementation Plan Document, including the adjacent right-of-way as shown on the attached map and subject to the conditions in the attached staff report | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Request to approve the proposed Zoning Ordinance Text and Map Amendments to Article X Floodplain Zoning of Chapter 23 of the Municipal Code, Section 23-206(b) Official Maps and Revisions as identified in the attached staff report | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Request to approve Special Use Permit #15-15 for a restaurant/bar with an outdoor patio area with alcohol sales and service, at 325 North Appleton Street, as shown on the attached maps and per attached plan of operation, to run with the land subject to the conditions in the attached staff report | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Request to reject awarding Wastewater Treatment Plant S-Building Air Handler Replacement to B&P Mechanical for a contract amount of $168,000 and approve the following budget adjustment:
Wastewater Capital Projects
S-Building Air Handler Replacement Project - $112,190
Elec Transformer and Switchgear Replacement Proj +$112,190
to re-allocate funds to another project. | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Request to approve Change Order #3 to Oudenhoven Construction, Inc. for the Wastewater Sludge Storage Improvements Project in the form of a credit in the amount of $2,163.50 resulting in an expense of $93 to the approved contingency (also appears on the Utilities Committee agenda as an informational item). | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Resolution introduced at the October 26, 2015 City Plan Commission meeting relating to Accepting Petition for Annexation - Spartan Drive Lift Station Annexation, Town of Grand Chute. | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Request to approve Amendment and Change Order No. 1 to contract 26-15 for Unit E-15 Miscellaneous Concrete and Street Excavation Repairs to increase for adding funding to this contract for parking lot improvements at Fire Station No. 1 which were approved as part of the Facilities & Grounds 2015 Capital Projects budget in the amount of $80,000. This contract does not include a contingency. Overall contract increased from $604,800 to $684,800. | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Request to approve Amendment and Change Order No. 1 to contract AG-933 for Miscellaneous Maintenance in the Blue, Yellow, and Green Parking Ramps to increase for priority repairs of two structural columns in the Blue Parking Ramp in the amount of $11,320. The contract contingency will remain at $3,258.20. Overall contract increased from $30,741.80 to $42,061.80. | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Resolution of the Common Council Accepting Petition for Annexation - Spartan Drive LIft Station
Finance Agenda: Item #15-1920 | approved | Pass |
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| 1 | | | Report Action Item | Ordinances 99-15 - 102-15 | approved | Pass |
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