Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Common Council Agenda status: Final-revised
Meeting date/time: 3/19/2025 7:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Council Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: CC Agenda Packet 3-19-25.pdf
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-0247 1  MinutesCommon Council Meeting Minutes of March 5, 2025   Not available Not available
25-0250 1  Report Action ItemAASD Attendance Update   Not available Not available
25-0251 1  Report Action ItemCity Plan Commission Reappointment   Not available Not available
25-0252 1  Report Action ItemBoard of Review Reappointments   Not available Not available
25-0101 1  Report Action ItemPublic Hearing on Special Resolution 1-P-25; Sanitary Laterals, Storm Laterals and Storm Main Alexander St (Melrose St to Glendale Ave) Bell Ave (Summit St to Richmond St) Bellaire Ct (Atlantic St to cds) Durkee St (Brewster St to Roosevelt St) Lawe St (College Ave to Spring St) Melrose Ave (Alexander St to Ballard Rd)   Not available Not available
25-0102 1  Report Action ItemPublic Hearing on Special Resolution 2-P-25; Concrete Pavement, Sidewalk Construction, and Driveway Aprons Aquamarine Ave (Providence Ave to Amethyst Dr) Aquamarine Ave (French Rd to Denali Dr) Baldeagle Ct (Peregrine Blvd to cds) Baldeagle Dr (Peregrine Blvd to Osprey Dr) Denali Dr (Rubyred Dr to Aquamarine Ave) Golden Gate Dr (Cherryvale Ave to 200’ east) Harrier Ct (Osprey Dr to cds) Osprey Dr (Harrier Way to Baldeagle Dr) Peregrine Blvd (Applecreek Rd to Baldeagle Dr) Rubyred Dr (French Rd to Denali Dr) Cherryvale Ave (Applecreek Corridor to south city limits) Providence Ave (Edgewood Dr to Aquamarine Dr) Perkins St (Prospect Ave to RR tracks) (sidewalks only)   Not available Not available
25-0103 1  Report Action ItemFinal Resolution 1-P-25 Sanitary Laterals, Storm Laterals, and Storm Main   Not available Not available
25-0104 1  Report Action ItemFinal Resolution 2-P-25 Concrete Pavement, Sidewalk Construction, and Driveway Aprons   Not available Not available
25-0230 1  Report Action ItemAward 2025 Sanitary Flow Monitoring Services Contract to raSmith in an amount not to exceed $36,000.   Not available Not available
25-0208 1  Report Action ItemCigarette, Tobacco, and Electronic Vaping Device License application for All N One Smoke Vape Plus LLC d/b/a Smoke Shop, Atllah Mahmoud Abdelhadi, Agent, located at 2700 E. Calumet St.   Not available Not available
25-0231 1  Report Action ItemCommercial Solicitation License for Kagen Whiting.   Not available Not available
25-0232 1  Report Action ItemCommercial Solicitation Company License for Yanda Distribution LLC.   Not available Not available
25-0202 1  Report Action ItemRequest to approve Special Use Permit #1-25 to establish a used automobile sales and display lot located at 100 West Wisconsin Avenue (Tax Id #31-6-0576-00), as shown on the attached development plan and per attached plan of operation, to run with the land subject to the conditions in the attached staff memo and approve attached Resolution (2/3 vote of Common Council required for approval)   Not available Not available
25-0203 1  Report Action ItemRequest to approve from Creative Downtown Appleton, Inc. to install a selfie sculpture on City-owned property located within Houdini Plaza at 121 West College Avenue (Tax Id #31-2-0065-00), in accordance with Wis. Stat. §62.23(5) pertaining to location of any statue or other memorial, as described in the attached documents and subject to the conditions in the attached staff memo (Consolidated Action Item)   Not available Not available
25-0153 1  Report Action ItemResolution #2-R-25 Emissions Reduction Recommendation   Not available Not available
25-0225 1  Report Action ItemApprove request from Creative Downtown Appleton, Inc. to install a selfie sculpture on City-owned property located within Houdini Plaza (Consolidated Action Item)   Not available Not available
25-0226 1  Report Action ItemAdopt Resolution 2025-01 Bird City Designation Renewal   Not available Not available
25-0210 1  Report Action ItemRequest to approve proposed text amendments to the Municipal Code Chapter 4 Buildings, Sections 4-162(c), 4-292(c) and 4-418(h), as identified in the attached document, and the reinspection fee be increased to $75 and added to the various permit fee schedules   Not available Not available
25-0212 1  Report Action ItemRequest to approve an update to the Electrical Permit Fee Schedule to correct the fee amount to $85 for work costing $1,001 to $10,000   Not available Not available
25-0213 1  Report Action ItemRequest to approve proposed text amendments to the Municipal Code Chapter 4 Buildings, Sections 4-475 to 4-499, as identified in the attached document   Not available Not available
25-0214 1  Report Action ItemRequest to approve the City of Appleton maintain its current selling prices for business/industrial park land and hold option fees as described in the attached documents   Not available Not available
25-0222 1  Report Action ItemAward Meter Test Bench Upgrade to Core & Main in the amount of $97,079 with a 10% contingency of $9,708 for a project total not to exceed $106,787.   Not available Not available
25-0223 1  Report Action ItemApprove 2024 Annual Stormwater Report to WDNR (due 3/31/2025).   Not available Not available
25-0178 1  Report Action ItemApprove the Noise Variance Fee Schedule as identified in the attached document.   Not available Not available
25-0253 1  Report Action ItemConsolidated Action Items - ADI Selfie Sculpture in Houdini Plaza #25-0203 City Plan Commission - recommended for approval #25-0225 Parks & Recreation Committee - recommended for approval   Not available Not available
25-0248 1  Report Action ItemOrdinance #28-25   Not available Not available