Approve design for the 2018 S. Oneida Street (Skyline Bridge to Valley Road) Concrete Reconstruction Project as follows:
- From Valley Road to Murray Street: reconstruct roadway with concrete pavement to a width of 68’ from back of curb to back of curb which would accommodate 2 thru lanes in each direction, a center two way left turn lane, and bike lanes in each direction. In addition, a 6’ wide sidewalk would be constructed tight to the back of curb. This cross section would require approximately 2’ of right of way acquisition from each side.
- From Murray Street to Calumet Street: continue the same proposed cross section as stated above including bike lanes, except the two way left turn lane would be a raised concrete median with a left turn lane on to Calumet Street and a left turn lane on to Murray Street. This is similar to the existing cross section. Right of way acquisition in this section would vary from 0 to 2’ on the east side and 3’ to 6’ on the west side.
- From Calumet Street to Ramlen Court: continue similar cross section as previous section including bike lanes, with a raised concrete median and allowing a left turn lane on to Calumet Street. Right of way acquisition in this section would vary from 4’ to 7’ on the east side and 2’ to 12’ on the west side.
- From Ramlen Court to Foster Street: construct two lanes in each direction with bike lanes in each direction. Construct a left turn lane on to Ramlen Court.
- From Foster Street to McKinley Street: construct the same cross section as stated in the Valley Road to Murray Street section including bike lanes. The proposed two way left turn lane would transition into a left turn lane at Fremont Street and at Seymour Street. Construct a raised concrete median approximately 300’ north of Seymour Street to prevent left turns out of the hospital parking lot. Right of way acquisition in this section would vary from 0’ to 11’ on the east side and 2’ to 16’ on the west side.
- From McKi...
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