File #: 25-0110    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Report Action Item Status: Action Item
File created: 2/17/2025 In control: Safety and Licensing Committee
On agenda: 2/26/2025 Final action:
Title: Class "B" Beer and Reserve "Class B" Liquor License application for SK Pizzeria Pub LLC d/b/a Pizzeria Pub and Bar, Satbir Singh, Agent, located at 1200 N. Sharon St, contingent upon approval from the Inspections department
Attachments: 1. Pizzeria Pub and Bar.Alcohol.Class_Beer_Reserve Liquor.12.19.24.REDACTED.pdf
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Class "B" Beer and Reserve "Class B" Liquor License application for SK Pizzeria Pub LLC d/b/a Pizzeria Pub and Bar, Satbir Singh, Agent, located at 1200 N. Sharon St, contingent upon approval from the Inspections department